Thank you

Hello, hope that your Spring is off to a great start.  It’s hard to believe summer unofficially starts in two weeks on Memorial Day. 

My TED talk has been viewed over 500,000 times in the last six days!  Thank you to those of you who have shared it around - it’s gotten tremendous feedback.  I’m hopeful that it opens people’s eyes to the fact that we can – and must - actually innovate our way out of this political era. 
It’s been a constant source of frustration to me that for every 100 stories about how bad things are, so little energy is dedicated to actual solutions that might improve our situation.  I hope to help change that. 
This week on the podcast I sit down with Zach Graumann to talk about the process leading up to my talk.  How do you get asked to do a TED Talk?  Does it pay?  What do they make you do beforehand?  I hope people enjoy the behind-the-scenes look.  It was an awesome experience. 
Now, it’s going to be time to build on the newfound energy and awareness.  Forward will be endorsing a series of candidates shortly, including folks like John Avlon and John Curtis.  And I’ll be attending the Fairvote Awards in New York City on June 3rd – would you believe there’s actually an event that benefits Ranked Choice Voting?  If you’re in New York and would like to attend click here.  
Thank you for keeping up with me and believing in our capacity to make things better.  I met up today with a volunteer for Forward – he’s one of our state leaders in Florida.  He expressed a desire for direction and resources. 
It’s a balance, wanting to build a movement that is people-driven and ground up based in communities.  Yet most people actually want a vision and some things to achieve.  Most of us thrive on having a mission. 
An old friend from Iowa reached out after seeing the TED Talk and said, “I see the vision now.  I want to help.”  I hope that this week has given some new people a sense of what’s possible if enough of us come together.  Let’s build as fast as we can; time is precious, the most precious thing we have.   
For my podcast interview, click here.  To join Forward click here.  To see the TED Talk if you haven’t already done so click here – and please do share it with friends!  It’s been a powerful conversation starter.  



My TED Talk is Out!