Pass the Torch

“81-year-old man holds nation hostage – film at 11.” 

It has been 10 days since Joe Biden’s disastrous debate.  8 days later he sat for a 22-minute interview with George Stephanopoulos that didn’t convince anyone of anything but perhaps the President’s obstinacy and disdain for polls. 

I think this is Joe Biden’s final week as the Democratic nominee.  Today, Congress returns to session and dozens of swing state legislators will convene to determine how they can best keep their jobs and get Joe Biden off of the top of the ticket.  I personally spoke to at least one more member who is going to call on Joe to step down in the coming days.  Respected Senator Mark Warner is assembling a mutiny among Senators.  More and more donors go public each day.   

The boat is springing leaks more quickly than the Biden team can patch them – and no one is scared of retribution anymore.  For the swing state legislators, what frightens them is being part of a blowout in November.   

A journalist compared the fissure between what Democrats are saying in public and what they are saying in private to the behavior of Republicans under Trump – they would bemoan his venality and then pledge allegiance as soon as a camera went on.  Joe isn’t Trump and it's age not morality, but the pattern remains. 

The same journalist observed that it is only the timidity of the Democrats that gives Joe any hope, and that if they did start speaking their mind it would be clear that Joe has lost his party.  

There are things we can do.  Let your local legislator know you feel that Joe Biden should step aside.  Friends of mine have helped to organize a petition - Pass the Torch, Joe – that I have signed.  I’d encourage you to do so as well and spread the word.  Let's get #passthetorch to be the phrase on everyone's lips.  

There is still time to swap Joe out, get behind a new nominee and defeat Trump in November.  Joe Biden said that he’d step aside if the Lord Almighty asked him to do so.  Well, the Lord might not be available, so we will have to do.  

Looking forward to a new nominee,


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