Eric Settle and Pennsylvania

Hello, I hope that your weekend was great. 

On Thursday I keynoted the Independent National Convention in Denver.  It was a blast being among so many people who have figured out that the two-party system could use an upgrade. 

Of course the main question on everyone’s mind right now is who is going to win in November and become the next President.  I had a grim sense of Trump’s return for months.  With Kamala Harris’s rise, I now see it as neck-and-neck.  Either candidate could win.  I hope it’s Kamala. 

There are 7 states that are being contested by both candidates.  They’re all important of course, but which of them is the most pivotal?  Pennsylvania.  Whoever wins Pennsylvania likely wins the election.    

Pennsylvania is just about as down the middle as it gets; even its state legislature is 50-50.  And who wins Pennsylvania could come down to a little-known candidate named Eric Settle. 

Who is Eric Settle you ask?  Eric Settle is an Independent candidate for Attorney General running in Pennsylvania as a Forwardist. 

Eric and I met months ago.  “I was a Tom Ridge Republican, the sort of thing that doesn’t really exist in Pennsylvania anymore.”  Indeed, Eric was a deputy general counsel for Governor Ridge and worked on Governor Shapiro’s Health and Human Services transition team before working as senior counsel for a healthcare company.  “When I was in the governor’s office, I had 150 lawyers that reported to me.”  Eric met up with me and a bunch of other Forwardists in Philadelphia and began to see that his state still needs him. 

“Wouldn’t it be amazing if the Attorney General – the one who is supposed to administer the laws on behalf of the state – didn’t have a partisan jersey on?  That’s the pitch I’m making to Pennsylvanians.  AGs are intended to be law enforcement, officials who are trying to call it the way they see it.  The parties have become too polarized – it’s too dangerous to compromise.  A handful of elected officials who are free to make the right call for PA can become a fulcrum of change.  My case to Pennsylvanians is that an independent attorney general is worth their vote.”

It’s a good pitch and Eric Settle is an outstanding candidate. 

Why could Eric’s campaign be so important?  There were about 6.9 million votes cast in Pennsylvania in 2020 and the gap between Biden and Trump was only 80,000 votes.  It may be even closer this time.  Let’s say that 10,000 to 20,000 voters vote for Eric Settle or State Treasurer Candidate Chris Foster, also running as a Forwardist.  These may be people discouraged with both major parties who enjoy the idea of an impartial referee. 

Could people voting for Eric or Chris be the difference-makers as to who wins Pennsylvania and the White House?  The math says yes.  The math also says that money sent to Eric Settle to make his pitch is going to be much higher impact than money sent to either major party, as they will already be spending gobs of money in the Keystone State.

I’ve donated to Eric Settle’s campaign and I hope you consider doing so as well.  His campaign could be crucial to the whole election.  “Don’t settle for less.”  The sensible independents of Pennsylvania showing up to the polls could make all the difference.  You can donate to Eric's campaign here and spread the word to your friends in Pennsylvania.

To see Forward Party’s endorsed candidates around the country click here – they could use your support! 


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